Your gut instinct tells you that poor communication is preventing your business from growing the way it should.

Let's prove you right!

I want data to prioritize my training needs objectively.
I want the employees to be self-driven and take ownership of their work.

I want the trainings to be aligned with the strengths and weaknesses of the employees.

I want the impact of the training to be long lasting.
56 % of the employees feel the need for Effective Communication Trainings.
Out of 4300 employees, 74% of the employees feel they aren't achieving their full potential.
The majority of learners wants social workplace learning experience - Gen z : 74% , Millennial : 69%, Gen x : 56% , Boomers : 54%.
94 % of the employees say that they would stay in a company longer if it invents and innovates in their learning and development.
Learners who want fully self-directed and independent learning - Gen z: 43%, Millennial: 42%, Gen z: 33%, Boomers: 33%
TLC is a Pune-based independent consulting firm that helps companies build individual, team and organisational capability through effective communication and need based training.

our approach


Assesment based training


Continuous self learning process

practice areas


(Since 2015)

0 +
Trained hours
0 %
Positive feedback for language training
11 %
Process capability
0 +
Trained participants
0 %
Positive feedback for need-based training
0 %
Advanced to next level

happy clients
